Stewart’s Melville College Former Pupil Council

The aim of the Stewart’s Melville College Former Pupil Council is to:

  • Promote the interests of former pupils.
  • Form a bond between pupils, past and present.
  • Encourage and maintain co-operation between former pupils and ESMS.

The Council is led by a club president - normally elected for a two-year period – with a vice-president, eight ordinary members, an honorary secretary and honorary treasurer, the principal of ESMS and the editor of FP Club publications.  In addition, two sixth form pupils from SMC are invited to attend the quarterly meetings of Council.

The annual general meeting of the Council is held in October each year.  Use the following link to read the 2021 AGM papers.

Ken Russell is the current council president. Read more about Ken and his hopes for the FP Council here – Ken Russell interview.

It is hoped that Council events, such as the annual dinner, will return in the coming months.


While you're here

You can take a walk down memory lane with the SMC archive, or a virtual trip around the school as it is today with the excellent ESMS Virtual Tour.

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